I'm not one given to freaking out, but this election has me worried in many ways. Putting aside my conservative beliefs, its my opinion that McCain would be a better President because of this overall service to this country and experience (which does count for something). But with most elections, it is usually "close" between the Republicans and Democrats, so there is no need to freak out because come election day, anything can happen. However, this election year, the media has twisted and distorted the truth that would make you believe McCain has no prayer on earth to be elected. But that is not the case. This election will be close such as the last two have been.
I know McCain is not the dream candidate for Republicans. I have friends, good friends, who have told me that they plan to vote for someone other than McCain and Obama. While I respect their decisions, I cannot help but think that every vote not for McCain is a vote for Obama. There are only two viable candidates and if a vote is cast for someone other than McCain, it's one less person voting against Obama and Obama as President would be far worse than McCain as President. I'm not a McCain fan, but I see that I have no choice but to support McCain, because I'm freaked out by Obama.
And why the freaking out? In no particular order:
The cult-like following of Obama. There are followers of candidates every year that get "excited" about their candidate and go down right plum crazy with enthusiasm. I think that's great. But never in our history has a candidate, like Obama, been elevated to a God, Messiah level.
Recently, there was a video showing students dressed in army fatigue pants marching and chanting "Alpha. Omega. Alpha. Omega." While I have no idea what they are conveying with the "Alpha Omega" chant, it does make me wonder if they are looking to Obama as their savior, leader, messiah. Jesus, the TRUE Messiah, said he was the Alpha and Omega. These students also began to pronounce that it was Barack who inspired them to the next lawyer, engineer etc. I'm all for inspiration, but most people who inspire do not cause students to march around chanting mantra's. That's what socialist dictators demand from their followers.
Also, children in California are singing ballads about Obama and how he will change the world and make it a better place. I find this very eerie. Many people probably do not know this, but children in Germany were forced to sing similar songs about Hitler. It's called brainwashing and brainwashing children whose brains aren't fully capable of discerning right from wrong. Mr. Obama, while not inciting this personally, has created a cult. Thinking off the top of my head, I don't believe George Washington has a song written about him and his fearless leadership.
These two examples above are what socialist, communist and totalitarian leaders invoke on the people to keep their power.
The downright fawning and fascination the media has with Obama. The media (MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS) salivates over Obama's words as if it a new gospel to save all mankind from the ills of this world. A negative tone is rarely taken in opinion about him nor is criticism directed toward him in a harsh manor. They do some just to make it look like they are being fair. More than in any other election, the media wants their candidate, Obama, to be elected President. This is partly because they hate Bush and hate that they have narrowly lost the past two elections. Listen to the comments and remarks made about each candidate. You will see that when McCain is being talked about the media will either end their statements with a negative remark or question to leave doubt in your mind.
The quick rise of a man who has little or no experience. What has Obama done? He talks about change, but where is the proof of that change? He can say all he wants, but the talk and the walk do not coincide with one another. It should SCARE us that Obama has been able to get to the point of running for President with little or no qualifications whatsoever and that he has a shot at winning. This goes back to my first point. He is being treated like he is more than what he is. He has done nothing, but wants everything. His quick rise takes my mind back to Revelation and the rise of the anti-Christ. Out of no where he'll come and people will be flocking to him as if he's the savior. I find is scary that so many have become cult-like followers of Obama and know little or nothing about him. Oh, except that he wants change. He also wants power. He sees the power within his grasp and he wants it. But...he has done nothing to warrant or deserve power. If a man has little experience handling power, that man easily begins to abuse the power.
Obama has dangerous friends and associates. We've all heard the rantings of Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Need I really say more on that? For Obama to sit in a church where the preacher preaches hate against his own country, is beyond me. I don't by the fact that Obama never heard this rhetoric from Wright. A man like the Rev. Jeremiah Wright does not isolate these statements one Sunday out of the year. That much hate spewing from his mouth indicates that it's been their a long time and that he is filled with hate.
And let's not forget William Ayers - a known terrorist with whom Obama claimed to know and have an association with, even though Obama claims he didn't know he was a terrorist. Sorry. That doesn't fly Mr. Obama. If you want people to believe you didn't know, come out and denounce him, but you won't.
Mr. Obama, you are guilty by association. I wonder how many other "questionable" friends you have.
If elected, Obama will set about changing our country, but it will be change that will have a dramatic and devastating affect. It's more than his policies. He will appoint leftist, activist judges who will strip the meaning of our constitution and makes laws based upon international law. I believe this would set in place a foundation for our liberties to be slowly taken away and Christians, ours will be the first go.
As the mother of a 6 month old, I am afraid of the future of our country if Obama is elected. That's not to say McCain will make it perfect, but he won't set our country down a course of ulitmate destruction. I want my son to enjoy the opportunities and life I have enjoyed being an American.
All I can ask of you, is that you do your homework on each candidate. I'm not specifically talking about policies, I'm talking about the character of each man. Character does count. Character affects how a man will lead and his judgment.