Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Forced vote

I do not care for either Presidential candidate. Both support or have supported bills/legislation/ideas/causes that I do not support or align with my world view. There are other Presidential candidates that I align more with my beliefs, but have no chance in winning the Presidency. So this leaves me in a quandary. Do I vote for someone that has no prayer of becoming President or do I vote for one of the two mainstream candidates in hopes that the lesser of two evils will be elected President.

Does anyone else out there feel this way?

Here's where I stand. Obama will never have my vote. Apart from his social & fiscal policies that I absolutely disagree with, his lack of experience, questionable associates and an inability to prove leadership, in my mind, make him unqualified to lead this country.

I've never been a fan of McCain. His support of McCain/Feingold and McCain/Kennedy, infringements upon our freedom of speech, make me take note that if he can support to limit one of our freedoms, which one of our freedoms next will be limited or even worse, stripped away. He's a bit of a hot head and known as a maverick . However, his policies are not completely socialistic and I can find certain areas where we do agree. What makes McCain more like able is his vp choice - Sarah Palin. While Palin is known for her strong conservative stance, she has yet to prove herself on a bigger stage with the pressures from the left bearing down on her. I love Sarah Palin, so far, but only time will tell if conservatives can hail her as a Margaret Thatcher.

To sum up where I stand, I am more anti-Obama than I am pro-McCain, which therefore makes me vote McCain. I believe this election will be very important as to which direction America goes. If we believe in American exceptionalism, in American greatness and we want this nation to be a better place for our children, a vote for Obama would weaken the foundation our country was built upon and force government more and more in our lives. He would weaken America with his policies, apologize to the world for every past, present and future action, and tax EVERY American to the core.

I can't throw away my vote to another candidate I may agree more with because a President Obama would have dire consequences on this nation.


Sarah said...

We were in the same quandary until Sarah Palin came on the scene. Although she is relatively "young" in her political career, I am thrilled with her stand on key moral issues.
I had not decided who I would vote for--Josh was going to vote Libertarian bc he didn't like either. But now I think we will both support the McCain/Palin vote.

(I like your coffee room! :-)

HzlntLatte said...

Palin definitely makes conservatives more likely and willing to vote for McCain. I don't know if there would have been a vp candidate he did choose that would have made me NOT vote for him, simply because Obama would be worse than McCain any day.

Thanks - in regards to my room. I can't wait to have it all decorated. I love being in it! :)