I've also wondered how and why coffee became SO popular in this country. If we have any origins as a country, England would be tops in the category. England is known for its huge consumption of tea. They made the afternoon tea time a mainstay in their society. So why are we not huge tea drinkers? Yes, we drink tea - sweet tea in the South - but in comparison to coffee, coffee based products outsell any tea. While I cannot prove this, I think our coffee loving society had its birth at the Boston Tea Party. We all know the story, a bunch of "Indians" boarded a British ship, and dumped the tea overboard. That begun a boycott of British tea, and while some began drinking Dutch tea, I think that opened the door for coffee. Look where we are some 232 years later! We'll pay for an overpriced coffee based drink at Starbucks.
I'm very much appreciative of those "Indians" who dumped the tea overboard in 1773. I would be missing so much every morning. I look forward to my coffee, with creamer, every morning and rely on it's perkiness to perk me up. Unfortunately , I am the only one in our household who enjoy the morning brew.
With so many brews out there and so many different ways you can get your favorite coffee drink at Starbucks, I am convinced that people could concoct their own brew/blend to fit their personality. I'm a latte - sweet, light and refreshing with just enough coffee flavor for a boost. My hubby, if he did like coffee, would be a black cup o'joe - consistent, strong and bold. My little boy, who will hopefully like coffee along with him Mommy, is a little espresso - a burst of energy and giggles!
So w/out further ado, let me introduce you to the Treillis Coffee House family:
Cup o'joe standing in the rugged state of Alaska.

Caramel latte in her favorite spot in Fredericksburg

Our little espresso and his teddy, Chester

1 comment:
Very cute post. :-) I am a mocha all the way, although I make due with my home concoction of Highlander Grogg and whatever creamer I choose that week. But Josh is straight black. Disgusting. But he only drinks flavored coffee if it is a mocha from Starbucks. :-)
To answer your question about Ebates, you just go into your Ebates account, click on whatever store you want to shop at, and then Ebates credits your account with the percent back. After 3 months, your money is sent to you in the mail. You just have to make sure you set up your profile with your address so they can send it to you. It is seriously so easy! And perfect for people who already shop online. They don't have every store but alot of them. Good luck!
-Sarah (I am posting as my hubby)
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