Monday, September 29, 2008

Vocabulary lesson

I listen to Rush Limbaugh daily. He's my main source of news and my main source to keep my sanity from all the liberal infested media. He made an excellent point today in regards to the bail out package, which at that time, had not yet been voted down. There are many people in this country who go about their daily business, work hard, pay their bills etc. And there are others who are looking for a free lunch, a handout, an easy step up and they look to the government to provide all of the above. The latter is NOT the governments responsibility.

As Rush did, let me quote from the the Preamble of the Constitution. I would assume most of us has to memorize that in school. Well, it's high time we brushed off our American history books.

The Preamable: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

I think there is one phrase, as Rush pointed out, that needs to be cleared up. People assume it's the government's job to give them the "American dream." Too many Americans believe they are entitled to certain things (a house, a nice car, a job) simply because they live in America. Sorry to burst your bubble, but no where in our Constitution does it say the government's job is to hand things to you on a silver platter or entitle you to anything besides protection and upholding the law.

The one phrase that gets misconstrued is "promote the general Welfare." Promote does not mean ensure. The word promote means to encourage, advocate, assist aid, boost, develop, stimulate. It does not mean ensure: make certain of, see to it, confirm, establish.

Our government's job is to PROVIDE that every American has the opportunity to PROMOTE, what they believe, is the best way of life for them. It is not to ENSURE that every American have what their neighbor has or ENSURE an equal style of living for all Americans.

Words have meanings and we have brains (and dictionaries) to know and understand the meaning of those words. Instead of listening a politicians interpretation of the Constitution, why don't we all have a sit down and read what our government is and is not supposed to do. I think we'd all be better off that way instead of taking someone's word for it.

Oh...and if the language of our Constitution or the Founders is too nebulous for you, I'm sure they still sell dictionaries at Barnes & Noble.

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