Monday, December 22, 2008

The year 2008 as seen by Ethan Matthew (my Espresso)

I started out this year all cozy warm in my Mommy’s belly. I had lots of room to move around and do flips and somersaults. One of my most favorite memories of being inside Mommy was listening to Mommy sing me songs and Daddy saying, “hello in there little boy. I can’t wait to meet you.” But I didn’t stay little. I grew and grew until I was getting too crowded in Mommy’s belly. One day, when Mommy was at the doctor’s office, I heard the doctor say that it was time for me to come out. Mommy’s body was sick with high blood pressure. I was anxious to meet Mommy and Daddy. I was hoping they would like me. And on April 11, 2008 (very early in the morning!), I met Mommy and Daddy and they were so happy to see me. Mommy held me and gave me kisses and so did Daddy. But Mommy was still a little sick because of her blood pressure and some medicine they gave her. Finally she was all better, and I knew they really liked me because they took me home with them - even though my head was floppy and wouldn’t stay up in the car seat.

Mommy and Daddy had a special place for me to sleep and warm clothes for me to wear. Daddy stayed home for 2 whole weeks to be with me before he had to return to something called “work.” When Mommy and Daddy moved here, Daddy worked for the Navy, but he recently changed jobs to work for the Missile Defense Agency (MDA). Daddy’s so smart. But Mommy doesn’t work. She stays home with me and we have so much fun together. When the weather was warm, me and Mommy went on walks every day. I loved looking at the mountains, the trees, the lake and sometimes I even saw some turtles go “plop” in the lake as we walked by.

I couldn’t do many things when I was just a little baby, but I’m not a little baby any more. I can sit up, roll over, get up on my hands and knees, jump really hard and long in my jumperoo, hold my own bottle and say dadda and mama. Mommy says that I’m working on something called teeth, but I don’t have any yet.

We’ve had lots of visitors at our house this year - my Pops and Nana; Grandma & Grandpa Spate; Uncle Seth; Uncle Nate & Auntie Tara and ALL my cousins: Jonathan, Emily, Elizabeth and Esther; my adopted Uncle Theron and Mommy and Daddy’s good friend, Miss Tammy McKinley.

In August, me, Mommy and Daddy made a trip to Virginia. It was my first time on an airplane. I did just what my Mommy and Daddy wanted me to do - look around, drink from my bottle and sleep. In Fredericksburg, we visited Kenmore and Ferry Farm and I met a lot of nice people - Mr. Rob & Mrs. Jackie Hix and their two boys: Noah & Daniel; Mr. Nathan & Mrs. Deidre Morrow and their children: Jacob, Rebekah & Isaac; Mr. Mike & Mrs. Jennifer Sayre; Mr. & Mrs. Keller; Mr. Brad & Mrs. Jennifer Church and their nice children: Megan, Lilly, Luke & Joel. Luke and Joel made me laugh! We also took a trip to Virginia Beach and I met my Grammy & Poppy T. I think there are lots of nice people in Virginia and I can’t wait to see them all again. I think Mommy and Daddy really miss them, and that makes me a little sad.

When we got back from our trip to Virginia, Mommy had to go see an ear doctor (ENT). She said she was having a hard time hearing & understanding Daddy . The ENT said Mommy’s bones in her middle ear had gotten really, really hard and she had something called Otosclerosis. The ENT said Mommy had only two ways to make her ears better: hearing aides or surgery. Daddy, because he is something called an Engineer, wanted to talk to more doctors. So Mommy had to wait to make a decision, even though her ears make her very frustrated. Mommy is a brave Mommy and she is going to have surgery so she can hear better. But it is going to take 6 months or more because she has to wait that long between each ear. She needs to hurry up because I’m going to be talking her ears off in hers and Daddy’s language very soon! Mommy will have her first surgery after Christmas in January.

I keep hearing about this thing called Christmas - and it seems to be a big deal! There are all of these things wrapped in this crinkly, colorful paper under this tree Mommy and Daddy brought inside and covered in lights and sparkly ornaments. But I think it really has something to do with another baby born a long time ago - somebody called Jesus. Mommy and Daddy say Christmas is Jesus’ birthday. I hope He has a good birthday. Happy Birthday Jesus and a Merry Christmas to everyone.

Eric, Priscilla & Ethan
Isaiah 9:6

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