Friday, October 24, 2008

choice or conviction

Continuing on with my conscience vs. compelled voting analysis, there are people who will vote for a candidate by choice rather than conviction. The 2008 election will be seen as an historic election - we will either elect the first black President or the first women vice-president.

After listening to hours of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and Neil Bortz, I have heard that there are those who are CHOOSING to vote for a candidate simply because they want to be in on possible "history making." Those people have thrown out CONVICTIONS and principles and have CHOSEN to vote in order to be popular.

There are also those who are blinded by race. They are going to vote either for their race or against a race.

How sad we as a democratic nation have become when we vote to be popular over what we may believe. And how sad, to simply choose to vote for a candidate of the same race as you.

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