This past week my little Espresso has been down and out. He's been running a fever, (on and off), been completely lethargic, and all he wants to do is cuddle with his mommy (or daddy) and watch Thomas the Train or David Phelps ( ). We took him to the doctor and they could find nothing "wrong" with him, with the exception that his tonsils were slightly swollen and most likely that was due to him screaming (he's not a fan of the doctors office). The biggest concern I had was not his fever, but his lack of eating. It is now day 5 of my little Espresso eating very little or nothing at all. Thankfully, my Espresso is drinking is fill of juice and cold chocolate! :)
I have been beside myself trying to figure out what is causing my Espresso to be a decaf! Tonight, I had an "AH-HA" moment.
Before I tell you what the "AH-HA" is, let me first state that I completely respect the medical field and our son's pediatrician. Doctors know a WHOLE lot more than I do! However, no doctor can know your child as well as you. When they make a diagnosis, or not, they simply go on the symptoms you tell them. They do not know moods and patterns. They simply know what the books tell them and what normal patterns SHOULD be. But, if they are honest, they would realize that there is no such thing as normal and EVERY child is different. It would be too easy if we were all robots or lemmings.
My "AH-HA!"
My pint-size Espresso is a horrible teether - I mean, HORRIBLE. He's whiney, fussy, grumpy, needy and down right unpleasant to be around. He was also a late teether. He got his first tooth one week after his first birthday. Since then, all but five of his teeth have come in within the last 9 months. I tell people, "we've been in a constant state of teething since his first birthday."
The last two times a new set of teeth have begun pushing through his gums (1st set of molars and canines), my Espresso developed a very high fever. In both instances, he woke up with a fever of 104 but by the end of the day, he was back to normal in every possible way.
Now...he's working on a new set of molars.
I know what the doctors say and what every teething article online will tell you. Your child may have a low-grade fever, but if their fever is above 101 it is NOT due to teething. And here's my side note: if ever I read another article that says your child should not be bothered by teething, I'm tempted to write the author and ask them if they have children themselves!
It is a coincidence that the last three times a new set of teeth have started to push down on my son's gums, he has gotten a fever?? And that a fever has been his ONLY symptom? This Dr. Mom does not think so. I do believe my son had some other virus (possibly) that added to everything this week, but tonight, after feeling his swollen gums, I knew some, if not most of this, was due to teething.
So, I buck the experts!
I've found myself bucking Doctors more and more lately...they certainly are helpful, but so often Mama really does know best! - Karen
Yay...glad to find another buckster! :)
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